Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Injustice and Justice
Bad form anyplace is a danger to Justice wherever for the sake of ALLAH the most benevolent the most forgiving, the Omnipresent and Omnipotent. Mr. President sir, fair boss visitor, commendable adversaries and future researchers. ââ¬Å"O devotees! Be firm in equity as observers for God, even in bodies of evidence against yourselves, your folks or your kinâ⬠ââ¬Å"Injustice anyplace is a danger to equity all over. â⬠These incredible words were said by one of American most popular backer of equivalent rights â⬠Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As indicated by him, all people are trapped in a patent system of sympathy.Whatever influences one straightforwardly, influences all in a roundabout way. Consequently foul play with one individual of a general public can influence the life of others of the general public. Dear crowd lets first discussion about what equity truly is. Equity is the perfect, ethically right situation and people. Equity is activity as per the necessities of some law. Regardless of whether these principles are grounded in human agreement or normal practices, they should guarantee that all citizenry get reasonable treatment. Equity is recognized from other moral norms as required.Justice is connected thoughtfully, to the possibility of avocation: having and giving definitive purposes behind one's convictions and activities. In this way, endeavors to comprehend equity are normally endeavors to find the avocation â⬠the source or premise â⬠of equity, and in this way to represent (or discredit) its huge significance. Equity is the establishment on which the structure of the general public stands. Justice,Pakistan. Equity is maybe the most significant of the preeminent estimations of Islam. Actually, it very well may be said that the principle motivation behind revelation and the errands of Prophets (alayhum salam) has been to set up Justice.Justice is the structure square of the general public and it is legitimately corresponding to reality, so as to keep check and parity in the general public it is fundamental to look after equity. Equity supposed as ADAL can be found in the early Arabian time when Hazarat Umar (R. A) was the representative General of Islamic Society. The entire society was engendered because of defended standards and educating of Islam. He was the main ruler to concede that regardless of whether a canine kicked the bucket of yearning on the banks of waterway Tigris during his standard, he would be held liable to Almighty ALLAH.It was the genuine soul of equity, what the pioneers of the advanced world lake. Equity resembles the existence blood of the general public which can be thick or slight, intermittently, however its thickness have an extraordinary effect in the life of the individuals. Equity is the main guideline of public activity. It very well may be appeared to oversee all relations throughout everyday life: among ruler and managed, rich and poor, a couple, guardians and youngsters. In the entirety of our dealings, we are required to stand solidly for equity regardless of whether it is against our own benefits.Dear youths of 21st century, our nation, Pakistan, is confronting a serious issue of slaughter, unlawful killings, self destruction bomb impact, psychological warfare and so on just because of the unjustified strategies. Financial foul play includes the state's inability to furnish people with essential necessities of life, for example, access to satisfactory food and lodging, and its upkeep of colossal disparities in riches. In the most outrageous instances of misdistribution, a few people experience the ill effects of destitution while the world class of that society live in relative luxury.Such unfairness can originate from out of line employing methods, absence of accessible occupations and instruction, and deficient human services. These conditions may persuade that they have not gotten a ââ¬Å"fair shareâ⬠of the advantages and assets accessi ble in that society. Political treachery includes the infringement of individual freedoms, including the forswearing of casting a ballot rights or fair treatment, encroachments on rights to the right to speak freely of discourse or religion, and lacking insurance from unfeeling and unordinary punishment.Such bad form frequently originates from unreasonable strategies, and includes political frameworks in which a few however not others are permitted to have voice and portrayal in the procedures and choices that influence them. This kind of procedural unfairness can add to genuine social issues just as political ones. any systems that are done in a one-sided way are probably going to add to issues of strict, ethnic, sexual orientation, or race segregation. In Pakistan our law resembles a spider web it adheres to the more fragile ones however the more grounded ones break it off.When the methodology being referred to has to do with business or wages, such issues can prompt genuine monet ary and social issues. In the nutshell, by setting instances of unfairness we are really making dread in the general public to battle for their fundamental rights. This dread is one of the significant reasons for our poor economy and this is the fundamental explanation, why we are abandoned from different nations. We need to make firm accept on it that Allah. It is a well-known adage that ââ¬Å"absence of war doesn't mean harmony, its just because of quality of equity. â⬠Thankyouâ⬠¦
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Question: Talk about the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Answer: Presentation As per Doney et al. (2016), liquor creates by a long shot the most entangled and hazardous neurobehavioral difficulties to the embryo when contrasted with all the substances mishandled, for example, pot, heroin, and cocaine. Pre-birth introduction happens when the liquor crosses the placenta prompting the ascent in the liquor level in the blood of the embryo that in most pessimistic scenarios can arrive at maternal blood level. Kavanagh and Payne (2014) mean that liquor being a teratogen, it can make any breakdowns the newborn child prompting conduct, physical, or learning difficulties when the kid is conceived. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is a significant issue that happens because of fetal presentation to liquor by the parent (Mutch, Watkins, Bower, 2015). This paper assesses the event of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders among the Australian Indigenous Communities, impacts it can cause to an individual and the network, and its conclusion and treatment. The paper likewise asses ses a portion of the contributing components that can forestall its compelling treatment and potential consequences on account of poor administration. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term utilized in depicting a range of conditions that influences a person because of fetal introduction to liquor by the mother during pregnancy as called attention to by Salmon (2011). The investigation likewise signifies that each condition identified with the turmoil and its finding is regularly founded on trademark highlight introductions which are consistently one of a kind to the individual influenced and might be neurobehavioral, physical, or formative. As an umbrella term, the FASDs comprise of the accompanying conditions that all emerge because of pre-birth liquor presentation; Liquor Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder abridged as ARND Liquor Related Birth Defects abridged as ARBD Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Halfway Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (PFAS) Effects of FASD on the Community and Individuals As indicated by Abbs (2015), liquor can make extraordinary harm the unborn baby at any level during pregnancy, a viewpoint that likewise decides the degree of damage an individual can understanding. The degree of damage that can be experienced is likewise controlled by the recurrence and measure of liquor introduction which is directed by parental age, sustenance of the mother, and intergenerational liquor use. For example, Freckelton (2016) calls attention to that the utilization of liquor by the mother while living under less than stellar eating routine or smoking cigarettes will intensify the state of the hatchling towards the introduction. A similar report calls attention to that the ecological components influencing the mother, for example, stress, destitution, and presentation to savagery are probably going to decline the state of the FASD related diseases to the embryo. In their examination, Latimer et al. (2015) call attention to that numerous indigenous networks and people i nside the indigenous networks in Australia living with FASD regularly face an essential, auxiliary, and tertiary difficulties. The essential conditions that can be seen in an individual incorporate rashness, memory slip by, learning challenges, troubles in relating activities to various results, delays being developed of a youngster, and even harm to significant organs in the body Finding and Treatment With present day innovation and its receptions inside the clinical enterprises in Australia, Fitzpatrick et al. (2015) call attention to that clinicians across Australia received the utilization of FASD analytic instrument as a feature of the Australian Guide to the analysis of the ailment. In 2016, the Australian clinical master survey board blended the Australian indicative subcategories dependent on those suggested by the Canadian rules with the point of tolerating the overall FASD analytic subcategories. These classes incorporate; FASD with under three sentinel facial highlights a determination procedure incorporating the stipulation classes of Neuro-formative Disorder-Alcohol Exposure and Partial Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FASD finding comprising of three sentinel includes in the fetal face-is a procedure that is like the past Fetal Alcohol Syndrome determination. Like some other physical handicap condition, Burns et al. (2013) bring up that FASD is a physical mind based turmoil that requires natural convenience. With early neurobehavioral intercessions and a right analysis just as fitting parental help and care in beginning times of adolescence, the personal satisfaction and taking in results for people experiencing FASD can incomprehensibly improve. In his examination, Salmon (2011) suggests relationship instead of the autonomy objective for some, grown-ups influenced by FASD as an affirmation of the requirement for fitting help in the endeavor of supporting the individual limit of participating in monetary and public activity. It is likewise urgent to create settlement in full conferences with the individuals living with FASD since each individual has a specific need. Consumes et al. (2013) likewise recognize some case the executives approaches and bolster systems in the treatment of FASD to incorporate; Defining transient vital objectives with escalated support, practical desires, and finish Non-indigenous instructive help plans and approaches that expertly perceives the pertinent needs of FASD people inside the indigenous Australian people group. Latimer et al. (2015) signify that the standard methodologies just depend on the memory usefulness and practices that toward the end influence the reason impact thinking, filtration of outside boosts, sequestration, arranging, and acknowledgment of the surprising ecological changes that frequently influence the patients. Receiving the utilization of open trustee for successful administration of funds during treatment and intercession. Embracing solid language and routine structures, for example, utilizing devices for arranging the exercises inside the timetables as suggested for treatment. Contributing Factors that can Prevent Successful Treatment for Australian Indigenous Communities The physical, neurobehavioral, and formative highlights with the FASD are infrequently obvious during childbirth except if there are facial development factors identified with the confusion are watched and might be hard to see until the youngster achieves the young when learning and conduct challenges become dangerous (Mutch, Watkins, Bower, 2015). In their examination, Kavanagh and Payne (2014) additionally means that there is frequently unrecognized impedances f the mind with essential side effects that regularly cause misjudging by those in power who cast sluggishness or resistant conduct to people living with FASD. In the exertion of attempting to meet ridiculous desires, the individual regularly creates optional protective practices that are then incomprehensibly used to name and generalization the influenced people dependent on the watched practices. Being an imperceptible inability, FASD regularly goes undetected and can frequently be disregarded, ignored, or credited to other non-hereditary conditions, a factor that carries difficulties to the procedure of the executives and treatment of the confusion as indicated by Doney et al. (2016). Different difficulties are frequently brought about by accusing them for poor child rearing and unfortunate post birth situations that incline the youngsters to different contaminations. There is likewise an absence of appropriate comprehension by the network suppliers towards FASD since the administration arrangements and evaluations are regularly proof dependent on the conduct of the ineptitude of the influenced people. As per Latimer et al. (2015), issue conduct introductions, just as the nonappearance of biomarkers, frequently bring about suppositions concerning the people that are regularly out of line as opposed to being useful. It subsequently implies that a large portion of the network medicinal services suppliers inside the Australian Indigenous populace don't have an unmistakable understanding that FASD is a physical mind based turmoil with suggestive practices to the cerebrum, a viewpoint that forestalls fruitful treatment. Consequences in Case of PoorManagement of FASD When inadequately oversaw in a person, there are both essential and auxiliary conditions that can keep going a lifetime relying upon the measure of liquor introduction during pregnancy as per Mutch, Watkins, and Bower (2015). The essential conditions that can be seen in an individual incorporate imprudence, memory slip by, learning troubles, challenges in relating activities to various results, delays in the advancement of a kid, and even harm to significant organs in the body, for example, the kidney. Freckelton (2016) likewise means that the shamefulness they face strengthens the intangibility of their mind based conditions consequently sustaining their feeling of inability to accept that they cannot do as opposed to they wont do. Thus, other tertiary conditions are probably going to happen because of the disappointment in meeting the desires while creating protective conduct components. The tertiary conditions prone to be looked by such people incorporate sexual exploitation, earl y and spontaneous parenthood, monetary and family reliance, deficient instruction, liquor and other medication misuse, and inclusion in criminal equity frameworks. End Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders is a genuine test among the Australian Indigenous people group who despite everything battle with the test of medication and substance misuse and the related impacts to the general public. Like some other physical inability condition, FASD is a physical cerebrum based confusion that requires natural convenience in order to enable the influenced people to see life emphatically. With early neurobehavioral intercessions and a right determination just as proper parental help and care in beginning times of youth, the personal satisfaction and taking in results for people experiencing FASD can limitlessly improve. References Abbs, P. (2015). Extending the hole: The inlet between approach rhet
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Why Everyone Needs to Paws for a Moment
Why Everyone Needs to Paws for a Moment Puppy Rooms in Universities Puppy Rooms in Universities Whether itâs midterm season or final exams, there are several periods of time in each academic school year when stress peaks. In fact, 86% of students identify with feelings of being overwhelmed at some point, while 50% recognize feelings of being lonely, sad, and ridden with anxiety. When high levels of stress come into play, mental health becomes more at-risk so itâs important to exercise stress-management. 86% of students have reported feelings of being overwhelmed. Fortunately, many universities have begun to recognize the severity that depression and anxiety can have on students and have introduced puppy rooms as a means to cope. What are Puppy Rooms? Essentially, puppy rooms are exactly what they sound likeâ"a room full of puppies! Puppy rooms have specific visiting hours when students can come and visit with the dogs; whether they want to pet them, cuddle with them, play with them, or just simply watch them itâs absolutely up to the students. Most colleges and universities will have a sign-in sheet and some volunteers monitoring the room to ensure both dogs and students are enjoying their time. Why Puppy Rooms? It sounds a bit silly to have rooms with specific times dedicated strictly to playing with dogs but thereâs actually a purpose behind it. Many students experience life away from home for the first time while in school and this often means that their pets remain at home with their parents or guardians. Furthermore, studies have proven that puppy rooms can reduce cortisol levels, alleviate depression, and lower anxiety. How to Organize a Puppy Room The reason why so many colleges and universities are adopting puppy rooms during exam season is due to the benefits this clearly has on students, but also due to the ease of organizing these rooms. It should be noted that puppy rooms arenât necessarily full of puppies; many of these are adult therapy dogs or therapy dogs in training, and often times dogs of all ages from local shelters are brought over for some quality time with the students. This doesnât only benefit the students but the dogs as well since many are craving human affection while waiting to be adopted to a forever home. Puppy rooms have become fairly popular among Canadian and American schools in recognizing that students experience high levels of anxiety and depression during stressful times of the semester. Since stress can have major effects on health and wellbeing, itâs really important that students look for resources as a means to reduce stress and continue thriving in an academic setting. How do you cope with stress during exams? Why Everyone Needs to Paws for a Moment Puppy Rooms in Universities Puppy Rooms in Universities Whether itâs midterm season or final exams, there are several periods of time in each academic school year when stress peaks. In fact, 86% of students identify with feelings of being overwhelmed at some point, while 50% recognize feelings of being lonely, sad, and ridden with anxiety. When high levels of stress come into play, mental health becomes more at-risk so itâs important to exercise stress-management. 86% of students have reported feelings of being overwhelmed. Fortunately, many universities have begun to recognize the severity that depression and anxiety can have on students and have introduced puppy rooms as a means to cope. What are Puppy Rooms? Essentially, puppy rooms are exactly what they sound likeâ"a room full of puppies! Puppy rooms have specific visiting hours when students can come and visit with the dogs; whether they want to pet them, cuddle with them, play with them, or just simply watch them itâs absolutely up to the students. Most colleges and universities will have a sign-in sheet and some volunteers monitoring the room to ensure both dogs and students are enjoying their time. Why Puppy Rooms? It sounds a bit silly to have rooms with specific times dedicated strictly to playing with dogs but thereâs actually a purpose behind it. Many students experience life away from home for the first time while in school and this often means that their pets remain at home with their parents or guardians. Furthermore, studies have proven that puppy rooms can reduce cortisol levels, alleviate depression, and lower anxiety. How to Organize a Puppy Room The reason why so many colleges and universities are adopting puppy rooms during exam season is due to the benefits this clearly has on students, but also due to the ease of organizing these rooms. It should be noted that puppy rooms arenât necessarily full of puppies; many of these are adult therapy dogs or therapy dogs in training, and often times dogs of all ages from local shelters are brought over for some quality time with the students. This doesnât only benefit the students but the dogs as well since many are craving human affection while waiting to be adopted to a forever home. Puppy rooms have become fairly popular among Canadian and American schools in recognizing that students experience high levels of anxiety and depression during stressful times of the semester. Since stress can have major effects on health and wellbeing, itâs really important that students look for resources as a means to reduce stress and continue thriving in an academic setting. How do you cope with stress during exams?
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Inventions Of The Industrial Revolution - 958 Words
The Industrial Revolution was an innovative period between the 1760s through the 1850s, making people go from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban lifestyle. Starting after year 1750, all the factors that, made Great Britain the best place for industrialization. The primary assessment that made it possible was the invention of machines that could do work that was previously done by hand. This allowed production to shift from inside homes into factories. During the industrial revolution, new inventions were plentiful and helped to revolutionize the way in which people lived. The Steam engine, mass production/division of labor, mechanization, abundance of iron, and the telegraph made the Industrial Revolutionâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Mass Production and Division of labor is a manufacturing system based upon principles such as interchangeable parts, large-scale productions, and the high volume assembly line. In the early 1800s, a man named Josiah Wedgwood started his own pottery business using mass production, they made pottery for Europeans who liked to always keep their tea from porcelain because without the pottery cups the flavor would spoil. He hired many labors to press down the clay, glaze pieces, carry things, while others put handles on cups. Mass Production adapted to make workers more productive using less required skills, while being paid less being able to lower costs of products while boosting quality. Mass Production and Division became the most important structure for manufacturing across the globe, utilizing extreme impact on popular culture. Mechanization was a huge process, that changed work that was done before only by hands or animals to doing work with new machinery. The cotton thread and weaving for cloth in the 1800s was a main product for these new machines, the cloth was much nicer, softer, and cleaner than any hand made clothing as said in the book ââ¬Å"wealthy Europeans developed a liking for the costly import.â⬠This quote shows that wealthy Europeans were itching for the newly designed products made by these machines. The people working in this industrial adapted well towards mechanization by being able to create more product faster, while being less stressed at work.Show MoreRelatedThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution975 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Industrial Revolution was based mainly upon the Cotton Industry , for most of the inventions created during that period were mainly for making and producing cotton. In the year 1773, there was a high demand for cotton cloth, but the production was low ( mhirtostu.htm). This problem needed to be solved. The solution came from John Kay, a British weaver, who invented and fashioned the flying shuttle, which cut weaving time in half. John Kay was also a pioneer, and his new invention paved the wayRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution912 Words à |à 4 Pagesloom was invented in England in 1787 and inventions such as the power loom were the kickstart to the industrial revolution. Before, everything was made by hand in Europe. Every single article of clothing was hand woven with painstaking time consuming detail, by 1850 Britain was producing 200 times more textiles than they had been 100 years previously. More inventions followed and new technology was rapidly taking over. Life altering and wondrous new inventions and discoveries were around every cornerRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution1463 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe 18th century. Prior to the 18th century and pre-industrial times, the way one sustained a nd obtained means for survival transformed fairly insufficiently. However, once the Industrial Revolution ignited throughout Europe, the course oneââ¬â¢s of livelihood forever changed. While the Agricultural Revolution was a sufficient step forward in metamorphosing human society, it did not reign like the technological advantages of the industrial revolution. The introduction of mass production, steam enginesRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution1585 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution is a period where people went from an agricultural society to an industrial society, meaning since the refinement of the steam engine, the invention of the internal combustion engine, the harnessing of electricity and the construction of canals, railways and electric-power lines most jobs were in factories and all hand production methods were transited to machines, new chemical manufacturing and iron production. During the industrial Revolution women wanted to have rightsR ead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution2134 Words à |à 9 Pagesredefine history. The Industrial Revolution was the great turning point in United States history. Never before in history had a period of growth been so great and so full of powerful sustaining change. As Nobel Prize Winner Robert E. Lucas, Jr. so aptly stated, For the first time in history, the living standards of the masses of ordinary people have begun to undergo sustained growth.... Nothing remotely like this economic behavior has happened before. The Industrial Revolution was time period fromRead MoreThe Invention Of The First Industrial Revolution1391 Words à |à 6 PagesThe First Industrial Revolution Envision living in a society dominated by factories that just recently transformed from arable land and farms. Imagine constantly hearing about brand new inventions and ideas that were deemed impossible only a few years ago. Visualize working long hours in cramped factories, in exchange for low pay and contagious diseases. For some people that lived during the age of industrialization, this was their reality of life. During the 18th and 19th century, the world wasRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution1204 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Industrial Revolution took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time mankind made the switch from hand-made to machine-made production methods. The steam engine, later replaced by the internal combustion engine, made this possible. The power source of these machines is burning fossil fuels, such as crude oil, natural gas, and coal. When fossil fuels are burnt, gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halocarbons a re released. These are known as greenhouse gasesRead MoreThe Inventions During the Industrial Revolution879 Words à |à 4 Pagesof the Science and Technology of the Industrial Revolution. My historical analysis will be about the inventions during the Industrial Revolution. The three I will be focusing on: The Water Frame, The Improved Steam Engine and the Sewing Machine. All three of those inventions all offer some sort of Problem, Progress and Promise to the Industrial Revolution. I will be analyzing those three things. One of the first inventions during the Industrial Revolution is the Water Frame. It was invented byRead MoreThe Invention Of The Industrial Revolution3915 Words à |à 16 PagesThe Industrial Revolution completely changed the course of human events ever since the first machines were created. All the advancements in technology that have led us to todayââ¬â¢s modern machines couldnââ¬â¢t of been possible without the initial events that sparked the very first mechanical devices. Behind these very first devices was a power source, fossil fuels, whether it was coal for trains or eventually gasoline for cars. These resources seemed to power the world into a completely new era, oneRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Sparked Invention1349 Words à |à 6 Pages ASSIGNMENT 1: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING Mebin Mathews University of Wolverhampton 1227861 Introduction The industrial revolution sparked invention. Individuals and companies found new ways to make our lives easier. Even though the innovations help our everyday lives, we need to think about our future generations and what we are leaving behind for them. It is estimated that by 2050 we will run out of most of the metal resources. Metals are an essential part of us our
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven And The Fall...
Edgar Allan Poe is an extremely well known American writer and is famous for his horrific and mysterious works such as, ââ¬Å"The Ravenâ⬠and ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usher.â⬠Poe was born in 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts in an era that seems to have many dark and ominous writers and pieces of literature originating from that time period. Poe is said to have launched the interest in many of the detective type stories that we read from modern day writers. ââ¬Å"In the early 1800s, romanticism was the dominant literary mode in Europe and influenced all major forms of American literature until around 1870 (Gandlgruber 1).â⬠Edgar Allan Poeââ¬â¢s biography states that he comes from a broken home, his father deserted the family and his mother unexpectedly died from tuberculosis (Bittner 22), which could very well be the purpose for the darkness in the writings to come from him. Over the course of Poeââ¬â¢s life there were many tensions caused from family and relationships that caused a period of unhappiness in his life that he illustrated later in with his amazing poems and tales. In Poeââ¬â¢s literature the readers can see that he primarily wrote of grim scenarios and introduced his readers to the uncertainties of the characters and locations so they could focus primarily on the plot and the theme of the story. ââ¬Å"The Ravenâ⬠is one of the most recognized poems ever written. ââ¬Å"Poeââ¬â¢s tone of darkness in this poem, connected with his perplexing death has made him a very noteworthy and influential literaryShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven And Fall Of The House Of Usher 1672 Words à |à 7 PagesEdgar Allan Poe and Alfred Hitchcock both use suspense and fear in their pieces of work. The audience can see the way Edgar Allan Poe uses suspense in his pieces, ââ¬Å"The Ravenâ⬠and in ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,â⬠and how Alfred Hitchcock uses similar techniques in his piece, Rear Window. These three pieces of work show how Edgar Allan Poe and Alfred Hitchcock are able to use and set up different aspects to create suspense and fear throughout their stories. In both Hitchcockââ¬â¢s and Poeââ¬â¢s piecesRead More An Analysis of Edgar Allan Poes Psychological Thriller Essay3707 Words à |à 15 PagesAn Analysis of Edgar Allan Poes Psychological Thriller Outline I. Prelude II. Brief introduction to Adgar Allan Poe 1. 1. Allan Poes Life 2. 2. Allan Poes Works and Literary Achievement III. Adgar Allan Poe -- A Post-Gothic Writer 1. 1. Gothic Introduction 2. 2. Analysis of Two Horror 1) 1) The Fall of the House of Usher a) a) Setting b) b) Characters c) c) Point of View 2) 2) The Masque of the Red Death a) a) Setting b) b) Characters Read MoreAnalysis Of Poe s The Fall Of The House Of Usher 3197 Words à |à 13 PagesStory Final Paper December 10, 2014 Poeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Fall of the House of Usherâ⬠Edgar Allan Poe is an American poet from the early 1800s who has been regarded in many literary handbooks as ââ¬Å"the architect of the modern short storyâ⬠(Poetry Foundation). Since his death in 1849, Poe has become world renowned for his critical theories as well as his many haunting poems and short stories. But Poe s work hasnââ¬â¢t always been as popular as it is today. In 1827, Poe published his first collection of poetry, TamerlaneRead MoreCommon Themes of Edgar Allan Poe3152 Words à |à 13 PagesAn Analysis of the Common Themes Found in selected works of Edgar Allan Poe A Research Presented to The faculty of the English Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English IV By March 2010 Acknowledgement The researcher would like to thank the following people who help and give guidance to make this project To the Project adviser and the home room adviser of the researchers, who gave his outmost patience and time to check the drafts and format of eachRead MoreCommon Themes of Edgar Allan Poe3166 Words à |à 13 PagesAn Analysis of the Common Themes Found in selected works of Edgar Allan Poe A Research Presented to The faculty of the English Department In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in English IV By March 2010 Acknowledgement The researcher would like to thank the following people who help and give guidance to make this project To the Project adviser and the home room adviser of the researchers, who gave his outmost patience and time to check the drafts and format of each part of this veryRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe : A Gothic Romanticism Or Dark Romanticist1562 Words à |à 7 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is often considered one of the most famous, influential writers of the 19th century, and even today he is still revered for his more famous works, which are still taught and studied in schools and universities around the United States. His work is considered to be heavily influenced by the many hardships he faced during his lifetime, which can be seen in almost all of his poems or short stories. Poe is considered a gothic romanticism or dark romanticist, due to his fascination ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Edgar Allan Poe s The Carnival Season Of The Graveyard Essay714 Words à |à 3 PagesAuthorââ¬â¢s Background- Edgar Allan Poe was born on January, 1809, Boston, Massachusetts, United Stated. He was short story w riter, poet, critic, and editor. He is known around the world for his writing fictional horror stories. Summary of Text-As the story opens up we are introduced with Montresor, a man that has been insulted by Fortunato and is looking for revenge. He decides to uses Fortunatoââ¬â¢s love of wine against him. He plans carefully in way that doesnââ¬â¢t put himself at risk. Montresor uses the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Customers not sell their goods Free Essays
string(206) " used to explained grade of relationship intimacy inter variables, and from analysis performed to informations of all variables explained have close relationship and between each variable interrelatedness\." Influence Of Advertising Program Implementation Via Internet And Marketing Via E-Mail Against Advertising Information Processing And Besides The Implication Against Purchasing Decesion Introduction At the present economic, some of clients non sell their goods and merchandise straight to concluding client, but via selling agent. Merchandise selling represents stub for each house beside others activities that must execute to make the best mission and vision for obtain market the merchandise. Information engineering development at the present becomes one of option can do media in attempt market the merchandise and the same clip as publicity media for house wholly to public. We will write a custom essay sample on Customers not sell their goods or any similar topic only for you Order Now Globalization influence against populace ââ¬Ës life form in all globe side can be observed clearly. Globalization issued orâ⬠cold revolutionâ⬠foremost with crowded the information engineering web. Information engineering development enable public that exist in full side Earth can interactive and execute dealing, without must upset by geographic boundary line. More from it, others change feels at public behaviour form in spend their fund that now besides begin move from characterize form of ââ¬Å"conventionalâ⬠into ingestion pattern form of ââ¬Å"modernâ⬠. It average, at the present public Begin like efficient shopping manner and non much need worksheet. For illustration, internet media applications ( E-mail ) that enable public particularly that high mobility to shopping without have to occupy with spell to shopping Centre or market place. PT. San Miguel Indonesia as company that dressed ore at snack represent one of extremely concern company at the selling field. PT. San Miguel Indonesia. It so happens vision from San Miguel Indonesia is closeness with client represents a pick become outlook that will be created at merchandise and service. So that the company will ever give the best with create a value that can make. To able to make company ââ¬Ës vision and mission objective so PT. San Miguel Indonesia ever attempt to shut with their client. In information engineering and globalisation epoch, so the challenge will be faced by PT. San Miguel Indonesia non easily, because competition more and more strict caused by a batch of competitory company and assorted similar merchandise. This state of affairs influenced by high client ââ¬Ës involvement to purchase the merchandise because class and quality and monetary value cheaper. At the present information engineering development enable each company near with client even if via electronic media. One of attempt that can performed by company to make client is with working the information engineering development represents chance and challenge faced by PT. San Miguel Indoensia. Literature Review Together with addition competition in battle for the market, selling activity has importance function in a company for addition the sale. Selling is extremely cardinal affair, so that ca nââ¬â¢t considered as alone map. Because selling is manner to look full companies from concluding consequence, viz. from their client ââ¬Ës position ( success of a concern non determined by manufacturer but by client ) ( Peter Drucker, 2000 ) . Selling besides comprise full company ââ¬Ës activities in adapt to it environment creatively and fortune ( Ray Corey, 2000 ) . While harmonizing to Philip Kotler ( 2004: 9 ) selling construct represents a societal procedure that inside single and group obtain what they need and want with create, offer, and besides free to alter valuable merchandise with others side. Harmonizing to John E. Kennedy ( 2006: 13 ) selling is an interconnected activity program group to place demand and develop, administer, advance, and besides make up oneââ¬â¢s mind precisely monetary value from a merchandise and service to make satisfaction from client that purpose to give net income. Investigated factor in this research consist of four research variables that describe range and connexion form and besides aim will be reached from this research, viz. publicizing plan, selling via electronic mail, information procedure and besides buying determination. a. First, publicizing plan variable that make up determination needed to construct in general advertisement ( Kotler, 2005 ) . Advertising plan has influence to publicizing information processing by client consist of four indexs viz. target market section ( market ) , direction/mission, message, and besides media. B. Second, selling variable via e-mail ( e-mail selling ) can considered as tool of electronic selling ( e-marketing ) . E-mail selling included in direct selling communicating group ( direct selling ) ( Kalyanam et. al. , 2002 ) . This variable consist of two indexs that are promotional e-mail and besides relatted electronic mail of service. c. Third, information processing variable. This variable consist of 6 indexs such as exposure, attending, comprehension, understanding, keeping and purchase connotation. d. Fourth, purchaing determination variable used as public presentation measuring media of advertisement. Development of marketing scheme in this instance directed to can carry through client ââ¬Ës demand and desire at market served. In competition epoch more and more non cognize geographics boundary line, comprehension for client ââ¬Ës demand and apprehension at served market will determinated company ââ¬Ës nonsubjective accomplishment success. Marketing consept in this instance contain that full company ââ¬Ës activities directed to able to fulfill client ââ¬Ës desire and demand. Attendance of electronic and print media show serious attitude for entreprenuers to repaire merchandise, goods and service quality through determining of quality standarization and service quality, and besides publicity scheme stabilisation. litas produk, barang, dan jasa via penetapan standarlisasi mutu dan kualitas pelayanan, serta pemantapan strategi promosi. Marketing communicating strategic that exact can avoid company from effect lose of publicity activity it non effectual and efficient. Customer ââ¬Ës determination procedure as consequence of by and large ad explantion started from require debut, information research, alternate rating and ended with buying and satisfaction ( Sumarwan, 2003 ) . Research Methodology Research about advertisement via this cyberspace and selling via electronic mail performed at a company that concern in bite field viz. PT. San Miguel Indonesia with spread out inquirer to internet user that have acces site of PT. San Miguel Indonesia. The study consequence informations processed with used SPSS plan Version 13.0. Normality trial used to cognize informations distribution in variable will be used in research, and from proving consequence that performed to informations of all variables explained have normal distribution. Data computation with corelation method used to explained grade of relationship intimacy inter variables, and from analysis performed to informations of all variables explained have close relationship and between each variable interrelatedness. You read "Customers not sell their goods" in category "Essay examples" While arrested development used to prove influence between one variable with others. Hypothesis That Influence Decision Process Operational hypothesis make up nonsubjective hypothesis. It means researcher formulate hypothesis non merely based on base sentiment, but based on objectiveness excessively, that research hypothesis that made non yet of class precisely after tested with usage being informations. For it writer formulate the job will be tested as follow: 1. Ho1: There is nil influence between advertisement plan application at cyberspace and selling merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia via electronic mail to publicizing plan processing by cyberspace user. Ha1: There is influence between advertisement plan application at cyberspace and selling merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia via electronic mail to publicizing plan processing by cyberspace user. 2. Ho2: There is nil influence between advertisement plan at cyberspace and selling merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia via electronic mail to internet user comprehension about merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia. Ha2: There is influence between advertisement plan at cyberspace and selling merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia via electronic mail to internet user comprehension about merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia. 3. Ho3: There is nil influence between executor of advertisement plan in cyberspace and selling merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia via electronic mail to buying determination either straight or via information processing stage. Ha3: There is influence between executor of advertisement plan in cyberspace and selling merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia via electronic mail to buying determination either straight or via information processing stage. Discussion Respondent Characteristic This research location is in Depok and Bekasi, where per centum for Depok part = 57.33 % and for Bekasi part = 42.67 % . Number of respondent is every bit many as 150 individuals, while per centum of respondent ââ¬Ës sex is for male = 59.33 % and female = 40.67 % . Dominant age of respondent between 21-25 old ages old, respondent ââ¬Ës latest instruction bulk is non yet finish from S1, respondent ââ¬Ës occupation position bulk is pupils and privat employee, respondent ââ¬Ës gross bulk per month is lt ; Rp. 2.000.000, respondent ââ¬Ës old alteration used cyberspace is gt ; 3 old ages, respondent ââ¬Ës clip mean alteration usage cyberspace in clip of one hebdomad is 1-10 hours, respondent ââ¬Ës requirement bulk entree cyberspace is for shoping cyberspace site, respondent ââ¬Ës requirement bulk entree web site is for amusement, and most frequently topographic point used by respondent to entree cyberspace is warnet. Correlation Trial Consequence of correlativity trial SPSS Output analysis is as follow: à · Advertising variable with information processing variable Correlation between advertisement variable and information processing is every bit large as 0.625. It means is relationship between advertisement variable and information processing strong and same way ( because positive consequence ) . In the same way means if advertisement is high so information processing high excessively. Correlation of both variables have important characteristic because value it ââ¬Ës important every bit large as 0.00 lt ; 0.025. à · Advertising variable with buying determination variable Correlation value between publicizing variable and buying determination every bit large as 0.420. It means relationship between advertisement variable and buying determination strong and same way ( because positive consequence ) . Correlation of both variables have important characteristic because value it ââ¬Ës important every bit large as 0.00 lt ; 0.025. à · Advertising variable with marketing variable via electronic mail Correlation value between Advertising variable and selling via electronic mail is every bit large as 0.491. It means relationship between advertisement variable and selling via electronic mail strong and same way ( because positive consequence ) . Correlation of both variables have important characteristic because value it ââ¬Ës important every bit large as 0.000 lt ; 0.025. à · Information processing variable with buying determination variable Correlation value between Information treating variable and buying determination every bit large as 0.542. It means relationship between Information treating variable and buying determination strong and same way ( because positive consequence ) . Correlation of both variables have important characteristic because value it ââ¬Ës important every bit large as 0.000 lt ; 0.025. à · Information processing variable with marketing variable via electronic mail Correlation value between Information treating variable and selling via electronic mail is every bit large as 0.577. It means relationship between Information treating variable and selling via electronic mail strong and same way ( because positive consequence ) . Correlation of both variables have important characteristic because value its important every bit large as 0.000 lt ; 0.025. à · Purchasing determination variable with marketing variable via electronic mail Correlation value between buying determination variable and selling via electronic mail is every bit large as 0.519. It means relationship between buying determination variable and selling via electronic mail strong and same way ( because positive consequence ) . Correlation of both variables have important characteristic because value its important every bit large as 0.000 lt ; 0.025. From consequence above can cognize that tightest additive relationship is between publicizing variable with information processing variable viz. every bit large as 0.625. In the others word, supposed factor that most influence information processing variable every bit large as with advertisement variable. Arrested development Trial à · Regression trial consequence of dependant variable ( Y1 ) information processing From computation consequence, obtained correlativity value R between advertisement variable and selling variable via e-mail with information processing every bit large as 0,719. It means relationship both the variables extremely strong. Positive correlativity show that relationship between advertisement variable and selling variable via e-mail same way. It means if advertisement and selling via electronic mail more and more addition so information treating more and more frequently performed. R2 table shown Determination Coefficient ( DF ) in above computation every bit large as 0.517 or same with 51,7 % . It means, that every bit large as 51,7 % full variant information processing sum can be explained from Ad and selling variable via electronic mail. And the remainder every bit large as 48,3 % explained from others causal factor that come from exterior of this arrested development theoretical account. Therefore, above arrested development theoretical account is appropriate. From analysis consequence so can be concluded that information processing influenced by publicizing plan via cyberspace and selling via electronic mail. Regression equation obtained from analysis is Y1 = 1.033 + 0.455Ãâ"1 + 0.340Ãâ"2. It means partly advertisement and selling variables via electronic mail influenced to variable Y ( information processing ) . à · Regression trial consequence of Dependent Variable ( Y2 ) Buying determination. From computation consequence, obtained correlativity value R between marketing variable via electronic mail, advertisement, information processing with buying determination variable every bit large as 0,622. It means relationship all of three variables is strong. Positive correlativity shows that relationship between advertisement and selling variables via electronic mail, and information processing is same way. It means if advertisement, selling via electronic mail, and information processing more and more frequently performed so purchasing determination will increase. R2 table shown Determination Coefficient ( DF ) in above computation every bit large as 0.386 or same with 38,6 % . It means, that every bit large as 38,6 % full discrepancies of entire buying determination can be explained from advertisement and selling variables via electronic mail, and information processing. And the remainder every bit large as 61,4 % explained from others causal factors come from this arrested development theoretical account. Therefore, above arrested development theoretical account is appropriate and true. From analysis consequence had shown that information processing, advertisement and selling via e-mail influence for buying determination. Regression equation obtained from analysis is Y2= 1.304 ââ¬â 0.016Ãâ"1 + 0.315Ãâ"2 + 0.403Ãâ"3. It means partly information processing, and selling variables via electronic mail that have influence to Y variable ( buying determination ) . While for advertisement variable have nil relationship or influence Y variable ( buying determination ) that can be looked from computation significance bigger from ( gt ; ) 0.05. Occlusion Conclude Based on correlativity trial between advertisement variable in cyberspace and information processing and besides between marketing variable via e-mail and information processing had shown strong relationship and same way. It had shown that advertisement plan in cyberspace and selling via electronic mail wholly had influenced to information processing. It means if advertisement variable in cyberspace and selling via electronic mail is high, so information treating variable will be better or high. Because within information processing variable influenced by publicizing variable in cyberspace and selling via electronic mail, can be looked at equation Y1 = 1.033 + 0.455Ãâ"1 + 0.340Ãâ"2. With finding coefficient every bit large as 51.7 % , it shown that information processing explained from advertisement variable in cyberspace and selling via electronic mail every bit large as 51.7 % and the remainder every bit large as 48.3 % explained from others factor outside of advertisement vari able and selling via electronic mail. Internet user ââ¬Ës comprehension about merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia influenced from publicizing plan in cyberspace performed by PT. San Miguel Indonesia and from marketing via electronic mail either straight or via anterior information processing stage that consequence in involvement fro cyberspace user to execute buying determination against merchandise of PT. San Miguel Indonesia. Where information processing variable has influence every bit large as 54,2 % against buying determination variable, so that can be concluded that some internet user can understand merchandise of PT. San Miguel Indonesia via advertisement media in cyberspace every bit large as 54,2 % . Strong relationship and same way based on correlativity trial between marketing variable via electronic mail, advertisement in cyberspace, and information processing influenced buying determination for cyberspace user that can be looked at equation Y2=1.304 ââ¬â 0.016Ãâ"1 + 0.315Ãâ"2 + 0.403Ãâ"3, partly influenced buying determination cyberspace user is information treating variable ( x2 ) and marketing via electronic mail ( x3 ) . Determination coefficient value obtained every bit large as 38.6 % , it shown that buying determination cyberspace user explained by marketing variable via electronic mail, advertisement in cyberspace, and information processing every bit large as 38.6 % . And the remainder every bit large as 61.4 % explained from other factors come from outside of the variable. This instance shown that buying determination by cyberspace user non based on advertisement plan in cyberspace, selling via electronic mail, and besides information treating merely but bu ying determination can happen without all of three the variable. Suggestion The company has to able to maximise plan have run that is publicizing at cyberspace and selling via e-mail optimally with give new invention against being advertisement and selling in order to able to pull internet user attending performed buying determination to merchandise of PT San Miguel Indonesia so that can increase the gross revenues. 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Saturday, May 2, 2020
Leadership for Focus and Communication Skills-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theLeadership for Focus and Communication Skills. Answer: Leadership can be defined as the qualities of certain people to lead their groups of people towards achievement of predetermined targets. Leadership finds application is various fields like corporate sectors and politics. The leaders are expected to have certain qualities which help them to lead their groups. Integrity, decision making power, focus, communication skills, conflict management skills and contingent management skills are some of the qualities successful leaders are expected to posses. Leaders are of various types like the managerial leaders lead corporate teams while the entrepreneurial leaders lead new business ventures. They contribute towards high market performances of the companies which generates more tax for the governments. They over here lead the countries towards economic development. The importance of leaders, their qualities and their contribution have become so important for the global economy that it has attracted attention of scholars like Peter Drucker. Drucker(2017) in his article The Theory of the Business defines leadership as the quality among men to set difficult goals and lead men to achieve them. Drucker states that today leadership has become so important to achieve the organisational goals that scholars today are showing renewed interest in studying leadership and its themes like leadership qualities, leadership styles, managerial leadership and entrepreneurial leadership. Bienen (2015) in his article Tanzania: party transformation and economic development. states that importance of leadership in bringing about positive transformations in the organisations and economic development cannot be underestimated. The managers lead their teams towards achievement of their targets which contribute towards achievement of organisational goals which contribute towards the growth in competitive market. This development of the organisations leads to increase their profitability and competitive advantage. The corporate organisations today are among the top employers and tax payers in the world, thus contribute greatly towards the development of the economies where they operate. Thus it can be inferred from the discussion that the leadership in the organisations are responsible for global economic development. Goetsch and Davis (2014) in their work Quality management for organizational excellence add to these two articles and state that essence of leadership is not restricted to corporate sector alone and in fact, it plays a very important role in politics, economics and entrepreneurial ventures. The importance of leadership in achieving goals in every field has attracted the attention of scholars towards studying the qualities which go into making a leader. Bottomley, Burgess and Fox III(2014) state in their article Are the behaviours of transformational leaders impacting organizations? that leaders have certain qualities which enable them to lead their followers towards achievement of goals. Some of these qualities are integrity, decision making power, analytical power, focus, motivational power and conflict management. The leaders showcase their qualities in several leadership styles like authoritative, democratic and transformational leadership styles while leading their followers. Each of these leadership styles have their own attributes and contribute towards achievement of goals. The leaders of today often combine several styles of leadership while leading(Goetsch and Davis 2014). Leaders exhibit several styles of leadership while leading their subordinates towards achievement of predetermined goals. Pawar (2014) in his work Styles of Leadership.International Journal of Research in all Subjects in Multi Languages, mention several styles of leadership. The autocratic leaders emphasis on giving orders and do not take the advice of the subordinates. These leaders do not encourage participation of the team members in formation of strategies and relies on formally laid organisational hierarchy of authority to be able to carry on the decisions successfully. This type of leadership often gives rise low level of motivation, conflict and lower productivity in the work teams. The directive leadership which is prevalent among the human resource departments of the organisations emphasise on giving directions to the subordinates. This type of leadership like autocratic leadership does not encourage employee empowerment and often demotivates employees resulting in poor perf ormances. The constitutional or participative leadership style is characterised by managers encouraging participation of the team members. Missionary leaders are the leaders who lead followers driven by same goals or mission as them. The Laissez faire leadership style is characterised by the managers giving their subordinates minimum guidance and gives them complete freedom to take decisions. This creates lack of coordination among the teams, results in conflicts and usually leads to either faulty or negative achievement of targets. The article by the author does not contain mention about some other styles of leadership. A democratic leader encourages his team to participate in the strategy making but reserves the final decision making power. The strategic leaders lead organisations and provide guidance to deal with tough situations by making strategies. Transformational leadership styles involve motivating subordinates in over achieving their targets. The leaders of this category e ncourage subordinates to perceive that they can over achieve targets and drive them towards achieving them. Liu et al. (2014) state that cross cultural leaders lead subordinates coming from various cultural backgrounds and having diverse perceptions about things like traditions and body language. It can be pointed out that today global organisation function in multiple nations each having their set of culture and beliefs. It can also be pointed out that political leaders too, lead a huge population of following with diverse political perceptions. Thus, it can be construed that the corporate managers and the political leaders apply cross cultural leadership style to lead groups with diverse cultural backgrounds. Bottomley, Burgess and Fox III(2014) state that leaders play so important role in multiple field like politics and corporate sector that researchers delve into studying their leadership qualities. They state that leaders are believed to have certain qualities which help them to lead their subordinates towards achievement of goals. For example, the transformational leaders are charismatic and they have good influential power. They make their subordinates believe that they can achieve the targets. The article also states that the transformational leaders should be sustainable to be able to sustain their subordinates, themselves and their organisations. Jin, Meng and Berger(2017) strengthens the article on leadership qualities by Bottomley, Burgess and Fox III by pointing out to a very important leadership quality, communication skills in their article The Influence of Communication Leadership Qualities on Effective Crisis Preparedness Strategy Implementation: Insights from a Global Stu dy. They state that then leaders should have strong communication skills to manage crisis situations. An analysis of these two articles shows that the leaders should be resource and have very strong decision making power to lead their teams through tough situations. A review of the articles also show that the leaders should have the qualities like focus, integrity, motivational powers and conflict management capabilities to lead their teams through challenging situations. Tuberville and Danehower (2017) in their article Using Experiential Learning Concepts in New Course Designs: Experiential Learning in Managing Employee Wellness And Managerial Leadership state the significance of managerial leadership in leading departments and organisations towards achievement of the business goals. The authors while discussing the importance of managerial leadership point out that employees today are considered the most strategic assets of the organisations and are often regarded as business partners by the apex management bodies. They further state the managers today lead their respective departments towards achievement of business goals which ultimately leads to organisational growth and increase in profitability. This allows the organisations to provide their employees with more salary, incentives and career growth opportunities. These facilities help the employees to achieve work life balance which enhances their wellness. This analysis shows that the managers play a very role in helping employees to attain healthy lives. Gifford et al.(2014) while discuss the varied applications of managerial leadership in the professional world states in their article. They state that managerial leadership find application not only in the corporate organisations but in other types of organisations like nursing, health care and non-profit sectors. Renko et al. (2015) in their article Understanding and measuring entrepreneurial leadership style study the importance of leadership in entrepreneurial ventures which is known entrepreneurial leadership. They state that entrepreneurs foster innovation, generates new ideas and creates new business. Stephens, Partridge and Faggian (2013) in their article Innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth in lagging regions. state that entrepreneurs initiate business ventures to lead human resources to conduct business operations to earn profits. The articles states that such business initiatives even if small creates employment opportunities and lead to economic development of the areas which do not have presence of multinational companies. The entrepreneurs introduce new ideas, goods and services responding to the requirement of a particular region. Thus entrepreneurs lead the local markets towards development by introducing new products and ideas according to the needs of the people. T hus, it can easily be pointed out like managerial leadership entrepreneurial leadership too plays a very significant role in bringing about economic development in countries by creating employment opportunities. Leadership plays a very important in leading people, organisations and countries towards achievement of their goals. Leaders have qualities like integrity, charisma, focus and strong communication skills which help them lead their subordinates towards achievement of their goals. There are several styles of leadership which leaders can follow to lead their subordinates. The managerial and entrepreneurial leaders not only lead their followers and also create employment opportunities in the markets they operate. It can also be concluded that leaders today combine various leadership styles like transformation leadership styles and autocratic styles to lead their teams of followers. References: Bienen, H., 2015.Tanzania: party transformation and economic development. Princeton University Press. Bottomley, K., Burgess, S. and Fox III, M., 2014. Are the behaviors of transformational leaders impacting organizations? A study of transformational leadership.International Management Review,10(1), p.5. Drucker, P.F., 2017.The Theory of the Business (Harvard Business Review Classics). Harvard Business Press. Gifford, W.A., Holyoke, P., Squires, J.E., Angus, D., Brosseau, L., Egan, M., Graham, I.D., Miller, C. and Wallin, L., 2014. Managerial leadership for research use in nursing and allied health care professions: a narrative synthesis protocol.Systematic reviews,3(1), p.57. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Jin, Y., Meng, J. and Berger, B., 2017. The Influence of Communication Leadership Qualities on Effective Crisis Preparedness Strategy Implementation: Insights from a Global Study.Communication Management Review,2(01), pp.8-29. Liu, S., Hu, J., Li, Y., Wang, Z. and Lin, X., 2014. Examining the cross-level relationship between shared leadership and learning in teams: Evidence from China.The Leadership Quarterly,25(2), pp.282-295. Pawar, D., 2014. Styles of Leadership.International Journal of Research in all Subjects in Multi Languages,2(7), pp.12-14. Renko, M., El Tarabishy, A., Carsrud, A.L. and Brnnback, M., 2015. Understanding and measuring entrepreneurial leadership style.Journal of Small Business Management,53(1), pp.54-74. Selvarajah, C., Meyer, D. and Donovan, J., 2013. Cultural context and its influence on managerial leadership in Thailand.Asia Pacific Business Review,19(3), pp.356-380. Stephens, H.M., Partridge, M.D. and Faggian, A., 2013. Innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth in lagging regions.Journal of Regional Science,53(5), pp.778-812. Tuberville, K. and Danehower, C., 2017. Using Experiential Learning Concepts in New Course Designs: Experiential Learning in Managing Employee Wellness And Managerial Leadership.CONGRATULATIONS!, p.98.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Food in Mexico
Food Cultures and Science in Mexico Mexico is a country located south of North America. It is bordered on the north by the United States, on the south and west by the Pacific Ocean, and on the east by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The country has a moderate climate characterized by low-lying coastal areas and has pleasant summers and mild winters.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Food in Mexico specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The countryââ¬â¢s rainy season falls between May and September while the hurricane seasons occur between May and November. The country has 113 million inhabitants and was originally under the reign of Spain. Food availability in Mexico According to GAIN (2010), we can only talk about food security when every single individual has access to food. Although research generally indicates that food availability in Mexico does not present a serious danger, there are places in Mexico where food access has been a real concern. In 2008 for example, close to 20% of the Mexican people could not access food due to lack of sufficient income and this greatly affected productivity (GAIN, 2010). Despite food being available to feed all, access has always been dependent on an individualââ¬â¢s purchasing power. As noted by Gilman (2011), some of the best foods in Mexico are accessed from stalls along the streets and in the market places. Although eating food obtained from the streets may appear strange to some visitors, it is quite normal for an average Mexican. This notwithstanding, Mexicans are content with food obtained from the streets and the market. They are, therefore, not about to stop getting food from these locations (Ochoa, 2001). For many citizens, these foods are fresh and dealers are equally considered healthy and very neat. Restaurant owners are known to conduct their food businesses with so much care and integrity to the delight their customers. In addi tion, most people prefer eating processed foods though they still go after fresh food as has been the tradition from the early days. Locally produced foods include peas, dry beans, walnut, sunflower, sweet pepper, and tomatoes. Mexicans import foods such as honey, dried herbs and mushrooms, roasted coffee, and cheese, to name but a few.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Staple food, how it is served and what are the common food sources? According to Gilman (2011), the most common food source in Mexico is corn or what is commonly known as maize. It is normally prepared either as flat bread also known as tortilla or as corn stew, usually referred to as pozole. Also available are fruits and vegetables such as green tomatoes, mangoes, papaya, and avocado. These are eaten alongside the main meals. Meat is also obtained from chicken and pigs as well as from breeds of cattle including Corrientes and French Charolais. In their cooking, Mexicans use garlic, chili, almond, clove, and cumin to add flavor to their cookery. This is further improved using various natural ingredients. Other familiar foods are seafood, frijoles or beans, and frijoles refritos or refried beans, and spiced coffee which is made using a mixture of spices. What are the common food preparation methods? In preparing their food, Mexicans tend to use a combination of methods. Deep and stir frying are the most common. Deep frying involves placing the food in a deep pot filled with cooking oil. Among fried foods are dessert puffs and chicken cheese crisp. What spice is commonly used in food preparation? Mexican food is made using spices such as almond, cumin, and chili. As has been mentioned elsewhere in this paper, Mexican food is traditionally made out of maize or corn and beans and is mainly prepared by deep or stir frying. Although many other types of food are available and can be accessed at wi ll, the limitation is usually the purchasing power (Tucker and Buranapin, 2001). What are the main macro and micronutrients and what sources? Different foods contain different nutrients. Macronutrients such as protein and carbohydrates are obtained from corn, pigs, and meat from Corrientes or French Charolais breeds of cattle. Micronutrients on the other hand are obtained through fruits and vegetables such as verdolaga and huazontle. Common fruits include guava, mango, and guanabana. Although most Mexicans have stuck with traditional foods for so long, many people also enjoy eating fast foods which mostly supply carbohydrates and fats. Other foods such as chicken soup are prepared specifically for those the sick. Some people have, however, argued that the preparation of Mexican food depends on what one wants to prepare. The preparation is also tied to the historical origins of the Mexican people.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Food in Mexico specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What is their food culture and health implication? According to Geddes and Paloma (2000), Mexicans suffer from a number of ailments as a result of their food culture and traditional beliefs that have been carried forward from generation to generation. It is common to come by people dying from illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and obesity caused by poor eating habits. It is absolutely necessary for people to change their eating habits and drop some of the unhealthy eating practices. Apparently, poverty is also to blame for the bad food culture in Mexico (Long Vargas, 2005). In most cases, lack of money compels average income earners in Mexico to go after unhealthy food stuffs from fast food restaurants. Save for the fact that these foods help to meet their immediate needs, they are responsible for poor health among the Mexicans. What is their way of presenting their food, serving, and table manners? Typically, Mexic ans serve their food hot and eat it using forks, spoons and knives. Food is taken into the mouth in small chunks, chewed, and the swallowed. Also made during meals are tacos which involve wrapping what is to be eaten in a corn tortilla before it can be eaten (Burckhardt, 1996). Generally, Mexicans eat three meals a day though this may vary slightly with others taking four. Desayuno or breakfast in Mexico is any form of food that one can take to start his or her day. While this may be large for people, others prefer lighter meals during this time of the day (Gilman, 2011). Comida, the most important meal on any day, is usually eaten in the afternoon and includes the main dish accompanied with other types of foods. Some Mexicans also enjoy almuerzo, a meal taken slightly later after breakfast. What food education tools are used in Mexico? Mexicans use MyPlate and Food Pyramids to educate people on healthy eating habits (Fox, 1993). Though considered quite abstract by some people, the food pyramid has been hailed for giving a clear indication of the foods in the various categories. MyPlate on the other hand comes with added information allowing consumers to make informed food choices. References Burckhardt, A. (1996). The People of Mexico and Their Food. Mankato, MI: Capstone. Fox, J. (1993). The Politics of Food in Mexico: State Power and Social Mobilization. London: Cornell University Press.Advertising Looking for report on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Geddes, B. Paloma, G. (2000). Lonely Planet World Food: Mexico. Australia: Lonely Planet Publications. Gilman, N. (2011). Good Food in Mexico City: Food Stalls, Fondas and Fine Dining. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN). (2010). Food Security and Nutrition in Mexico. Mexico: Global Agricultural Information Network. Long, L. T. Vargas, L. A. (2005). Food Culture in Mexico. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Ochoa, E. C. (2001). Feeding Mexico: The Political Uses of Food Since 1910. Wilmington, DE: Rowman Littlefield. Tucker, K. L. Buranapin, S. (2001). Nutrition and Aging in Developing Countries. Journal of Nutrition, 131:2417 ââ¬â 2423. This report on Food in Mexico was written and submitted by user Jacob H. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Lawrence Klein Project Essays
Lawrence Klein Project Essays Lawrence Klein Project Essay Lawrence Klein Project Essay Model 1 was created to try and explain the cause and effects of the great depression in USA in the 1920s and 1930s. It tries to explain why the economy did so badly at the end of the 1920s then eventually recovered towards the end of the 1930s. Basic Time Plot Analysis We have plotted three important variables to graphically explain what Klein was trying to explain in his model. These three variables are consumption, investment and private wages. Figure 1 shows the consumption levels every year from 1921 to 1943. In 1921 consumption is 39. Consumption rises each year steadily until 1930 where consumption is at 57. 8. Consumption falls in 1931 and rapidly. It falls for a further two years and reaches a level of 45. 6 in 1933. In 1934 the consumption levels start to rise again and do so for the next ten years except for a small dip in 1939. Figure 2 shows the investment levels from 1921-1943. Investment starts at 2. 7 in 1921. Here it falls the next year to -0. 2%, after this in general it rises each year until 1927 where it reaches 5. 6%. In the next six years it falls to -6. 2% in 1933. After 1933 there is a sharp rise in investment every year until 1937 where it flattens at around 2% for two years. From 1939 Investment rises further and in three years it reaches 4. 9%. Figure 3 shows the private wages in the time period. In 1921 private wages are 28. 8. They fall the following year, but increase at a steady pace to reach 41. 3 in 1930. From 1931 to 1934 private wages fall rapidly to 28. 5. Wages start to rise in 1935 and continue to do so except for a small fall in 1939 for the next four years. By 1938 wages have reached 41. This links in with Grangers attempt to explain the great depression. As the figures show investment falls then consumption and private wages fall with a slightly longer lag. From these results one can say that significantly different estimations are obtained using TSLS rather than OLS for consumption. We can conclude also that the model is a good fit with R2 values of 0. 97214 and 0. 982007 for the OLS and TSLS regressions respectively. The signs of the coefficients for ? and W1 are as expected; when profits and private wages rise one would expect consumption to rise too. One would expect ? -1 to have a positive coefficient as in the TSLS regression rather than the negative one found in OLS, and therefore one can say that the TSLS estimates are consistent with expectations. The estimates using OLS and TSLS are almost identical and the signs of the coefficient are consistent with expectations. Near identical R2 values of 0. 980973 and 0. 980972 for OLS and TSLS respectively imply an excellent fit it both cases, and it is not of huge importance which method is used for estimation. Correlogram When we have time series data, where the observations follow a natural ordering through time, there is always a problem that successive errors we be correlated with each other. Serial correlation is present when residuals correlate with their own lagged variables. This violates the standard assumption of regression theory that disturbances are not correlated with other disturbances. This is a problem as OLS is no longer efficient among linear estimators. Standard errors are not correct and are often understated and if there are lagged dependent variables on the right-hand side, OLS estimates are then biased and inconsistent. 1 We can use the Correlogram to find out whether the series is stationary or non-stationary. With a stationary series the autocorrelations gradually die out, indicating that the values further in the past are less correlated with the current value. For non-stationary the autocorrelations do not die out rapidly at all. We have decided to plot correlograms for consumption (figure 4), investment (figure 5) and private wages (figure 6). All three of these graphs show the same thing, the autocorrelation drops fairly soon. It certainly does not stay. From this, one can assume that all three series are stationary. The regression is therefore not necessarily spurious. When non-stationary time series occur, the problem can be that the regression may indicate a significant relationship when actually there isnt one. The correlogram has allowed us to see that the regression is not spurious and so the relationships are reliable. We can tell that there is serial correlation in the model as we have tested that at least some of the AC and PC are greater than zero. The Q-stats are significant the P values are low.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Income Inequalities in the United States Research Paper
Income Inequalities in the United States - Research Paper Example Economists posit that if the wealth from the middle class is transferred consistently to corporate elites, the concentration of wealth, as a consequence, will be solely enjoyed by the 1% households of the bourgeoisie (Allen, 2012). Nowadays, income inequality inexperienced by gender, race, outsourcing industry, disruption of income, by core competencies, and these issues can be holistically understood using the tool of value chain analysis. On gender-based income disparity, Kirk (2012) barred that American just earn a fraction of men in every state. The worst income inequality is in Utah where a working woman earns 55 cents for every dollar earned by a man. This is succeeded closely by Wyoming where women earn 56 cents, Louisiana at 59 cents, North Dakota at 62 cents and in Michigan at 62 cents (Kirk, 2012). There is relative gender-based income equality in the state of Hawaii, Florida, Nevada, Maryland, and North Carolina where women earn about three-fourths of what men received as salary (Kirk, 2012). This somewhat disparages the supposed economic empowerment of women to discrimination and contributed to the income disparity in the country although some thought that there are efforts made to curb this gap in wages (Fairchild, 2012). Experts, however, opined that wages should also be looked at the workers level of education, the time devoted to labor, the experiences they earned that made up their expertise, and the na ture of jobs taken. That gap is still felt among highly educated workforces.... It bar discrimination at work and promote equality in workplaces but advocates argued the need to pass more legislations ensure effective enforcement of these policies. However, Weller and Ajinky (2012) however still pointed that the blacks are still paid less than white and that economic insecurity is more felt by Afro-American, the race who rose up historically from slavery. Weller and Ajinky (2012) reported that as of the last quarter of 2011, median weekly earnings for African Americans were $617 while Latinos earned $549 in comparison to whites that earned $774. They also noted the rapid increase African workers with salaries below the average rate. A good statistics of population depicted high figures of blacks that are unemployed. There were about 88.9 % unemployed Afro-Americans and using the inflation-adjusted median income, they dropped their income by 7.1% from 2007-2009 (Weller, Ajinkya, & Farrel, 2012). This correlates to their rate of poverty at 24.2 % higher than Asian immigrants, Latinos and of whites (Weller, Ajinkya, & Farrel, 2012). But all these are contextualized within the development of a complex liberalized economy where the outsourced industry thrived well. The advancement of communication technology also permeated corporations to opt for skilled human resources that could work on domestic needs via online tools. The latter has been put to question because the employment opportunity is being offered externally to emerging nations and therefore, sort of cracked to the domestic populace without work. But the outsourcing industry is significantly in context to business strategies that aimed at a globalized operation
Monday, February 3, 2020
Mississippi Burning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Mississippi Burning - Essay Example Three civil rights workers were murdered in America in the year 1964; the murdered took place in the US state of Mississippi this is why the film was named Mississippi burning. The FBI inevitably got involved in the investigation and the film also showcases two agents trying hard to uncover the truth. Alan Parker directed this film and it was written by Chris Gerolmo. The movie was very well liked by the audience and it went on to win several accolades which included the best film for cinematography, best picture, best sound and a host of other awards. In spite of doing well the movie was severely criticized because according to the critics the film fails to present the historical records in the right manner. The director of the movie had to come out and defend the movie by saying it was no documentary, it was instead dramatization. ââ¬Å"Mississippi Burningà is set in 1964 when three civil rights workers are murdered in a small town by members of the Ku Klux Klan.â⬠(Mississ ippi Burning) In American society the civil rights workers are given very little protection but the film portrays the FBI agents as real heroes, they come to Mississippi to investigate the murder of the victims but in reality very little has been done to protect the civil rights workers in America. ... The movie created a ruckus, a scene in the movie showed a white man beating a black boy while he was praying; this created a lot of problems. This was seen as racism by many people and it even antagonized the blacks living in America. A few black men started beating up a white boy after discussing the movie as a result of which a huge uproar in America was caused. Directors must always keep in mind that their movies are more than capable of disturbing the law and order in a country because so many people watch it and they interpret the scenes in their own way and this may cause so many unforeseen problems. Such race sensitive scenes should not be shown in movies to be on the safer side. The movie also gave rise to hate crime after its release. Above case which has been discussed in the paper became a very important case in the American constitution. ââ¬Å"A highly charged box of fireworks is the best way to describe "Mississippi Burning". It is 1964 and the Civil Rights Movement is tearing apart many areas in the Deep South. Mississippi is definitely the hottest spot of all as the entire state seems to be split between whites and African Americans.â⬠(Mississippi Burning) The three African American men who were murdered in Mississippi were seeking justice, they wanted the right to vote like any other American but this did not go down too well with The Ku Klux Klan and the local police authorities. Those three men were abducted and murdered very ruthlessly. Miburn was the name of mission undertaken by the FBI to solve this mystery, Miburn stood for Mississippi burning and the investigation found the corpses of those three civil rights workers and the investigation also found the identity of the people who killed them. ââ¬Å"The U. S.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Employee empowerment and direct parcipitation in management
Employee empowerment and direct parcipitation in management In his opening lines Beirne (2007) posits that empowerment is one of the most controversial yet celebrated business subjects of recent years. Several writers have contributed to the ongoing debate about employee empowerment and direct participation in governing and managing todays organisations. To start off this essay, a clear definition of empowerment is in place. Several definitions of empowerment have been advanced. The definitions seem to vary across different socio-cultural and political contexts but certain central themes runs through the literature. These include; self regulatory, self power, the feeling of common ownership, employee advancement, personal and personnel growth and development and nurturing autonomy. Page and Czuba (1999) define empowerment as a multi-dimensional social process that helps people gain control over their own livesà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ a process that fosters power in people for use in their own lives, their communities and in their society, by acting on issues they define as important (abstract). Another definition advanced by Tan (2010) based on a management context is empowerment is the act of giving power and authority to a person to perform his designated tasks in whatever way he wants, and having the power in decision making. Spreitzer (1995) noted that Thomas and Velthouse (1990) provide a broad definition which factors in many aspects of the multifaceted concept of empowerment. The researchers defined empowerment as increased intrinsic task motivation manifested in a set of four cognitions reflecting an individuals orientation to his/her work role; meaning, competence, self-determination and impact (Spreitzer, 1995, p 1443). These definitions are arguably broad in context but it brings into perspective the arguments that will be made in this essay. Empowerment largely represents power sharing down the hierarchy chain with employees given the leeway to participate in firm decision making. This is in stack contrast to early theories of scientific management (Taylorism) propounded by Frederick Taylor at the turn of the 20th century. The remit of Taylorism was that workers could not be relied upon, lacked talent and intelligence and therefore workers should be told what to do and when to do it (Kanigel, 1997). Empowerment can therefore be seen to have been generated from subsequent schools of thought such as human relations theories of management put forward by writers such as Elton Mayo, Henri Fayol, Victor Vroom and Abraham Maslow amongst others (Kyle, 2006). The next three sections of the essay look at the benefits of empowerment, the challenges of managing innovation at work and the ways in which challenges can be managed and empowerment promoted in the work place. A concluding section surmises the main ideas advanced in the work. The benefits of employee empowerment and participative work redesign programmes An intriguing paper by Malone (1997) showed that empowerment is a response to fundamental changes in the economics of decision making that are enabled by new technologies (p. 141). The argument advanced in this paper is that empowerment (and decentralisation) is actually an efficient way of operating in modern organisations where communication costs are minimal. Malone (1997) argues that as communication costs fall, firms can improve competitiveness by allowing their employees to combine the best information available with their own knowledge, energy and creativity in order to foster and facilitate innovation (p. 142). Management researchers do not generally perceive empowerment as a response to new developments (Malone, 1997) but as an approach to get the most out of their employees. Several researchers have highlighted the need for new management styles that promote employee involvement, employee autonomy, workforce participation and the development of self managing work teams (Paul et al., 2000). The general consensus seem to be that employee empowerment turns to contribute significantly towards improving the commitment of the workforce, improving well being at the workplace, improving employee motivation and therefore improving the performance of employees (Paul et al., 2000; Cohen et al., 2007) Empowerment has particularly been successful in hospital management through primary nursing. The nursing case (discussed in the lectures) illustrates the role of empowerment in improving the quality of patient care and the levels of job satisfaction for nurses. As indicated in this case, this contributes towards reducing worker turnover rates and levels of stress. One way of achieving employee empowerment is through the institution of training and development programs within the institution. Researchers in the management literature have established empirical links between employee empowerment through training and development and performance (See Koch and McGrath, 1996 and Jacobs and Washington, 2003). Empowerment can be expected to improve employee motivation as they feel more valued within the work place. Kominis and Emmanuel (2007) showed that as motivation increases effort exerted increases and this will turn to improve performance. Denton (1994) used the case of Ford Motor Company to illustrate how employee empowerment translates to corporate empowerment. Empowerment turns to humanize the work place. As employees are empowered they feel a sense of belonging, community and ownership and strive to protect the image of their company through their dealings. The result for Ford was the creation of a lasting legacy. Participative work redesign programs are empowerment programs in the wider sense. These are essentially programs which set out to involve employees in the planning and scheduling of their work. Like other empowerment programs, participative work redesign programs have been shown to improve motivation and commitment, increase employee output, reduce employee turnover and reduce absenteeism (Pearson and Chatterjee, 1984). In Kanters (1977) structural theory of power in organisations, Kanter argues that to allow for empowerment employees must be given the right resources, provided with sufficient information, and have access to programs that will enable them develop, improve and enhance their performance. As noted in Ozaralli (2003) for empowerment to work effectively, there must be a culture of trust, mutual respect and commitment in the organisation. This indicates that empowerment is a two way process; senior managers seek to empower employees employees show commitment, developing themselves to effectively manage new powers. Both elements must be present for empowerment to work effectively and this might make the implementation of empowerment programs difficult in practice. On the subject of why empowerment might present a dilemma, Paul, Niehoff and Turnley (2000) argue that empowering employees creates belief about entitlements, once these beliefs are unfulfilled (which they argue, will eventually be the case) there is a breach of psychological contract (between employer and employee) and such as breach leads to counterproductive behaviour on the part of employees. This leads us to the practical challenges of empowerment at work Challenges in managing change innovation at work Current trends in globalisation and development have pushed businesses to continuously adapt by implementing several changes within their work environments. Business leaders are constantly seeking out better ways to do business, ways to cut costs, improve output and eventually improve profitability. Arguably one of managements most colossal challenges will be the management of organisation change. This challenge is significantly amplified by the fact that change is sometimes inevitable. Empowerment can be viewed as one of those change processes or an innovation that can be introduced within a work place. The major huddle here is that change such as the introduction of empowerment schemes involves the alteration of human behaviour- employee behaviour. Change requires that individuals leave their comfort zones and engage in different tasks, take more responsibilities, participate in decision making and reshape their work processes. The effects of proposed changes always affect employees in different ways. Some employees might have to loose their roles and positions for others to be empowered. Because of this resistance can always be expected from those who are affected adversely by proposed changes. This is evident in the position the current coalition government of UK faces. The reduction in the deficit is largely perceived as a good thing for the country but the steps taken to reduce the deficit are opposed (or praised) differently by different groups. University st udents are opposed to the proposals because it will mean they will have to pay higher tuition fees in the future. Most of the working class who do not have to pay such fees and who do not have children at university support these measures. Like all change programs, it can be expected that management will encounter many challenges while seeking to empower employees. The proposals of the UKs coalition government to empower NHS doctors by giving them more powers and control over the management of their clinics have been received with mixed feelings. Certain doctors are concerned that this will mean they will spend more time on management and less time on actually serving their patients. Some doctors welcome such changes arguing that it will cut unnecessary bureaucracy, improve responsiveness and therefore boost their overall performance. Clearly, major challenges will be faced by the government in pushing through such innovation which empowers NHS doctors. Though theoretically sound, empowerment programs are often met with many practical challenges. I will review some of these challenges by asking some pertinent questions which can undermine the success of empowerment schemes. Are the benefits of empowerment to employees clear? The benefit of empower programs to managers is always clear to employees. They see this as a way for managers to get more for their money through increased delegation of responsibility. Sometimes the benefits of such programs to employees are not very clear as they usually do not mean increased wages. Managers can therefore find it challenging to sell the empowerment idea to their employees. Do employees really want to be empowered? Are employees willing to take on extra responsibility? This is major stumbling block to empowerment programs. Usually empowerment results to increased responsibility without an associated increase in financial reward. For employees empowerment means expending some discretionary energy which might not be compensated, acknowledged or appreciated. As such some employees can prefer the status quo where their reward is commensurate to the work they do. Is empowerment the culture of the organisation? This is also important as certain cultures (work or individual) can make empowerment difficult. One of Hofstedes cultural dimensions is high uncertainty avoidance and high power distance. These sorts of cultures do not allow for employee empowerment as employees in these cultures loathe risk taking and therefore decision making, and work well under situations where hierarchy can clearly be identified. Does the work structure actually allow for empowerment of employees? Despite the criticism that has been levelled on Taylors principles of scientific management, these principles are still very useful in many institutions today. Considering a large factory employing hundreds of factory level workers for example, I argue that empowerment might be a difficult concept to implement within such an environment given the organisational structure. When should management hands-off? Empowerment requires that management allow employees to participate in critical decision making and management should delegate responsibility to such employees. The buzz-word around empowerment is trust. The literature advocates that management should trust employees and allow them the leeway to make serious decisions. This could be problematic given that employees could have limited experience in the area despite training. Supervision by senior management might still be required and this in effect constitutes waste. Reference to the nursing case study The case study (nursing case) highlights other potential challenges in an empowerment program in a hospital scene. The case starts by putting primary nursing (a program that empowers nurses, improves their performance and job satisfaction) in a positive light. The case highlights the role of sectionalism and elitism in hampering the success of such empowerment programs. Empowerment in the nursing case meant that nurses took full control of their patients sometimes carrying out simple tasks which were traditionally carried out by trained doctors. This potential blurs the boundaries between the different professions (such as doctors, nurses, hospital managers) involved in administering health care. The case highlights opposition from some medical experts registered in accounts provided by Pearson (1988) and Walby et al., (1995). The case also highlights the potential for segregation and discontentment which might arise from an empowerment program. Not all groups of workers can receive the same treatment in an empowerment program. In the case, the need for primary care meant that registered nurses (RGNs) had to be given preferential treatment (training and development) and provided the resources and support to assist their decision making with respect to the patients under their care. Other junior nurses (grades A, B, F and G) received little attention as no empowerment program was designed for them. These grades of nurses are bound to feel less valued in the work place which might affect their motivation and lead to counterproductive behaviour. This occurrence is potentially not limited to a hospital setting. Empowerment programs are always staged to achieve a certain goal which could be improving the quality of a service or adapting to other changes in the work environment. This means that certain groups of employees will be at the forefront of the program while others will feel less involved and therefore less valued. The challenge therefore is how empowerment programs can be used effectively so that some employees dont feel left out or let down by senior management. Guidance to senior management on how to overcome difficulties and promote empowerment at work The management literature is littered with varying recommendations on how the difficulties of instituting change and promoting empowerment at work can be managed. Several models of change management have been developed and tested over the years. This discussion shall proceed by reviewing recent change models and discussing their implications in practice i.e. how management can manage change successfully. I consider empowerment as a major organisational change and should therefore be approached in the same way organisational change is approached. In an organisation where delegation is not the custom or culture employees might find it unacceptable if the managers starts to delegate duties. This may be looked upon as an unwelcomed shift of responsibility without a corresponding increase in reward. In the subsequent discussion, I will recommend certain measures that can be used to promote empowerment once employees are ready to be empowered. Inspiration for these recommendations will be drawn from ideas presented by different writers (see Beirne, 1999, p. 219, for example). How to manage organisational change in general An early model of organisational change management was presented by Kurt Lewin in his 1951 paper (Clarke, 1994; Okumus and Hemmington, 1998). This model presented the management of change as a simple process involving three stages; unfreezing (à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦the old pattern), change (introducing the new pattern), refreezing (the new pattern) [Okumus and Hemmington, 1998]. Needless to say, this model has been severely criticized for being over simplistic. Several models have been proposed for managing change. What I take from these models is the role of employee readiness and participation in the change processes and its ability to significantly improve the chances of successful organisational change (See Armenakis et al., 1993 and 1999). With respect to the institution of empowerment programs, the employee readiness concept suggests that prior to empowerment staff are made ready through training and development programs, information sessions and participative deliberations etc. If st affs are fully informed and are part of setting up the empowerment program, then there will be little resistance to such programs and its chances of success will be high. Beirne (1999) contends that the literature on empowerment has documented the fact that the initial impetus to empowerment often comes from external factors, including consumer demands, technological innovations, quality audits, and more specifically, the Patients Charter and internal market (p. 221). The implication of this is that several external pressures drive the need for empowerment thus presenting a second agenda and external priorities to the empowerment process. Effectiveness is thus reduced as the focus is on achieving other goals through employee empowerment. Considering for example a situation where there is the need for more front line managers during the Christmas period within a firm. Staffs are empowered through delegation to fill this decision making role. The tendency will be for staff to be pulled back from managerial roles when the peak period is over. This type of ad-hoc empowerment which is common in most institutions can result to counterproductive behaviour. Employee wellbeing, development and empowerment needs to be crafted as one of the core strategies of the company. It should not be an issue that is regarded as discretionary within the firm and it handled differently by different managers. It should be stated as firm policy to increase is seriousness both for management and employees. This will show that the company as a whole values its workforce. John Lewis for example has what I will class as one of the most valued set of employees. The firm officially calls its employees its partners, allowing them to own shares in the firm in order that they can share in its profitability and its losses. This increases the sense of belonging and community and encourages employees to be innovative and hardworking. At this stage management needs to ensure that both management and employees share the vision, mission and objectives of the firm. This could be through periodic publications, staff meetings and conferences to reinforce the visions and objectives of the firm. It might also be important to set out clearly defined goals and guidelines outlining expectations so that employees are aware of set targets and time lines. It is necessary to help staff to be ready for empowerment. It is pointless to delegate duties to staff who are not well trained, qualified or prepared to accept new levels of responsibility. Staff will resist empowerment and share decision making if they dont feel confident that they would be successful or meet the new expectations. Employee training and development can be used to improve staff skills and awareness to ensure that they are ready to take on new roles and make informed decisions. This will also build their confidence and allow them to be innovative. Empowerment will only be successful if management can trust and show that they trust employees. After delegation of duties, management should not spend time second-guessing or doubting employees. Management therefore needs to trust that employees will make the right decisions and perform tasks correctly. Without trust, the whole empowerment framework fails. Management can further foster empowerment through the provision of sufficient information and resources to facilitate employee decision making. Staff should be properly assessed and their capabilities and strengths highlighted. Staff will be more successful if their empowerment process matches their strengths and capabilities. It is tempting for empowerment through delegation to be misinterpreted leading to failure. Management may turn to delegate the more mundane yet demanding tasks to employees. This will reduce employee interest and increase resistance to empowerment schemes. It is recommended that authority and power itself be delegated. Employees should be given the opportunity to participating in high level decision making and interesting tasks such as participating in committees or representing the company at certain events. Again it is important to provide constructive feedback to employees acknowledging their achievements and providing suggestions on how certain aspects of their performance can be improved in the future. It is also important to solicit feedback and employee opinions to understand their concerns in order to make future improvements. Conclusion Several pertinent issues have been discussed in this essay on the subject of empowerment, workplace change and innovation. I have considered the benefits and challenges of empowerment schemes and have made certain recommendations to practising senior management on how employees can be empowered successfully in a corporate context. To surmise, I will reiterate that despite the challenges that managers face in implementing such schemes, the benefits of empowering employees cannot be overemphasized.
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